2020 Rockies Road Trip

Before we jump into this blog post, I feel like disclaimer is in order. We travelled in our tightest possible social circle (with my parents, wife, and children), and we avoided all local contact. When we were not out in the open air hiking or paddling, we stayed in our hotel room. We had all of our meals in our hotel and wore a mask whenever we are public spaces such as hallways or in the lobby. We did not go to an outside restaurant, did not go to grocery stores, and did not visit any indoor attractions. We brought our own hand sanitizers, masks, and supplies. We checked to ensure that National Parks are open to all Canadian visitors, and that there are no inter-provincial travel ban or quarantine requirements between BC and Alberta. And most importantly, we monitored our own wellbeing very closely and we had no signs or symptoms of illness.

We took a 7 day, 6 night road trip from Vancouver to Lake Louise in August 2020, exploring lakes, mountains, parks, rivers, and waterfalls. Here is our itinerary:

Aug 16:

Aug 17:

Aug 18:

Lake Louise Paddle (afternoon)

Aug 19:

Aug 20:

Lake Louise Paddle (evening canoe)

Aug 21:

Aug 22:

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